Thursday, June 5, 2014

Last Day.....

What a fantastic last day.  We've had a ball this year and wish our students all the best in 8th grade next year as they make the LONG journey clear to the other side of Gentry!  :)  Don't be strangers.  This has been an unforgettable group of students and we will truly miss you.

Science Camp slideshow:

Here is the link to the 7th grade slide show. This one does NOT include the Science Camp pics.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Videos of the Ancient Americas

Don't worry....I checked.  These DO work on the ipads!  :)  Be sure to check out the addition videos, information & reading which is listed under the video that will pop up on your screen from these History Channel videos.




Don't forget you can also use the Medieval Times Textbook (starting on p. 60) to find information about these civilizations.  Information about Cortez can also be found on p. 181.

Finally, here are some WAY cool panoramas of Machu Picchu (Inca) and Chichen Itza (Maya):

The Americas Webquest page 1--  Links to the MAYA

Webquest page 2--  Links to the AZTEC

Webquest page 3--  Links to the INCA

Webquest page 4--

THIS is the link for the last Mayan doesn't work correctly on the ipads.  GRRRR!

Another good Mayan website is:

This one will help you with both the Maya and Aztec:

Maya Goverment:


Friday, May 9, 2014

Adinkra Art from Africa

Last year, I was introduced to the West Africa symbol art called Adinkra.  These beautiful symbols each represent something different to the people of the region.  Mrs. Swannigan, the GMS art teacher who retired last year, told me to simply look through her Adinkra book and wait for a symbol to "speak" to me.  I laughed and started flipping pages and, much to my surprise, a symbol did jump out at me.

This symbol was the "Nyansapo" or "Wisdom Knot".  It's meaning did speak to was about being a life long learner in order to seek wisdom!  When I introduced this art form to my students and had them look for the symbol which 'spoke' to them, they too were surprised at how often the meaning seemed to fit their personality.  Give it a try:  Adinkra Symbol Index  Clicking on the symbol's title will lead you to more information about its meaning.

This week in social studies class we learned much about the history of West Africa and focused on one of its most important leaders, Mansa Musa.  This music video was made by a teacher who is, apparently, even crazier than me.  ENJOY!  I'm Mansa Musa Music Video

Here's how MY African Adinkra Art turned out.  Not bad for someone who has NO artist ability!

Mrs. Bess

Monday, April 28, 2014

I bless the rains down in Africa.....

I am SO excited for our study of Africa.  So many people know so little about this continent.  We will spend the next month unraveling the mystery of this diverse continent.

To begin, we will study the vast differences in its geography. The image below is a key to the Africa map we started in class on Monday.  The Quiz over this map, vocabulary, and other geographic information we'll learn this week will be on Friday.

And here are the links to the songs we listened to as we created it.  Enjoy!
Toto, Africa:
The Clash, Rock the Casbah:

Africa Physical Map Key

Thursday, April 24, 2014

We Didn't Start the Fire

As we study the Cold War this week, I am reminded of a song that, once I get started singing, I can't stop.  Thought my 7th graders of 2014 would enjoy a song from my youth! 

We Didn't Start the Fire Video

Explanation of the meaning of each lyric


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Europe is ever changing......

What a miraculous look at how Euope has changed hands sooooo much!

Warning....when you get to the 1940s and 1950s, the map and the years are a little off.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Enlightenment Thinkers

AFTER recording any information about your 'thinker' from our textbook, use the following websites to find out more.
This is a link to the blue "Enlightenment Poster" worksheet from class:


Newton  (p 18)


Voltaire  (page 8)